101 Things

The 101 Things the I want to accomplish in the next 1001 days, with status:

  1. Answer the “50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind”
  2. Buy computer
  3. Get YMCA membership
  4. Spend a summer getting strong
  5. Total 200
  6. Get ID
  7. Get Learner’s Permit
  8. Get Driver’s Liscence
  9. Join Girl’s Weightlifting Team
  10. Weigh 9 stone (126 lbs)
  11. Do something over Winter Break
  12. Do something over Spring Break
  13. Get My AA
  14. Meet entrance requirements for PSU
  15. Write a novel
  16. Publish a short story
  17. Get a job that I enjoy
  18. Have 1000 followers on my tumblr
  19. Write a play
  20. Canoeing/kayaking solo
  21. Get my passport
  22. Watch sunrise and sunset every day for a week
  23. Go to a Lady Gaga concert
  24. Identify 100 things that make me happy
  25. Total 300
  26. Graduate HS
  27. Have an “Un-Birthday”
  28. Go rockclimbing
  29. Take a dance class
  30. Attend a film festival
  31. Keep the house clean for 30 days
  32. Ride a horse
  33. Play a game of D&D
  34. Buy a Go board
  35. Buy a Lomo
  36. Bake a loaf of bread
  37. Change my name
  38. Move out
  39. Don’t cuss for one week
  40. 1K in savings ($80)
  41. Write a message in a public bathroom(done)
  42. Write a kids book
  43. Have a wardrobe that I am happy with
  44. Own every Terry Prachett book
  45. Buy a new wardrobe
  46. Finish the bible
  47. Finish the catechism
  48. Buy a peice of jewelry every month to remind me of this challenge. And wear them every day. (03/20)
  49. Eat three meals a day for 30 days
  50. Wear my hair natural for six months(2/6)
  51. Try 3 new foods
  52. Get 100+ hits in a day
  53. Do abwork for 30 days
  54. Eat cereal every morning for two weeks
  55. Tell a joke every week for a month
  56. Laugh every day for 30 days
  57. Write 10 X-Mas thanks
  58. Make pasta from scratch
  59. Keep a running list of cool quotes and ideas
  60. Make a costume
  61. Know how to cook twenty dishes
  62. Make 3 new friends
  63. Pray 2x day, for 30 days
  64. Write a bit on each person in my head(2/16)
  65. Wash dishes daily a week(done)
  66. Wash clothes every weekend for 8 weeks
  67. Buy a pair of earings (done 26/07/2010)
  68. Get a second set of ear peircings
  69. Streach every morning for 30 days
  70. Learn 50 ASL signs
  71. Learn morse code
  72. Learn braille
  73. Check if growth on arm is cancer
  74. “Lady Exam” (Yuck!)
  75. Eat vegan for a week
  76. No tv for a week
  77. No computer for a week
  78. “Media-free” day
  79. See a play
  80. See Rocky Horror showing
  81. Save $15 for evert task compleated(2/101)
  82. Revise resume monthly
  83. Tell truth for seven days
  84. A’s and B’s for 1st quarter
  85. 10 part series on 101601 (1/10)
  86. 5 part series on Los Angeles
  87. 5 part series on Panora
  88. 5 part series on Distonetta
  89. 5 part series on VV831
  90. Drink only water for a week
  91. Eat spam
  92. Buy Bento box
  93. Keep journal for 60 days straight (4/60)
  94. Go to mass 10 weeks straight
  95. Make a collage book
  96. Design my education plan (college and such)
  97. Practice Spanish every day for 30 days
  98. Spend a week in Ireland
  99. Pay for car behind me for fast food
  100. Buy Lady Gaga album (done!)
  101. To be completed on last day: New 101 list

One response to “101 Things

  1. This is a good list. I might start my own. Thanks for the idea.

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