Category Archives: Multiplicity

For those of us with more than one person in their head

Plan For Week


  • Dark
  • Red


  1. Finish “How To Read Like A Professor”
  2. Read short story, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, I think
  3. Write 3page paper
  4. Return txt book from last year
  5. Read “The River Of Doubt”
  6. RELAX!


  • Write cheat series on “How To Read Like a Professor”
  • Explain “The Earring Code” (not as cool as it sounds)
  • Consistansy!



Prompted by a question from BeautyDeep.

Merging– When two people in the body fuse into a new person. It produces a bump in age, and usually an “older” or “wiser” perspective.

How do they do it?
They start to spend a lot of time together, and they talk a lot. They spend time talking about each other, and they sort of fade into each other (equal merge), or one is faded into the other (unequal).

There are also “fast” merges, which are not as healthy. They are a) forced, like what S did, bad and unstable, prone to falling apart, and b) voluntary, such as with Dark recently. Fast merges tend to promote identity crises.

Why do they merge?
I can only talk for my system, but the reasons seem to be that people feel like they aren’t “whole”, they don’t function well on their own, they’d like to be like/part of another member, things are getting too hard, or they are bored.

If You Have a Big Question, Or Want a Through Response

So I Realized

I realized that I’m the original. I realized that I’m the most developed. I realized that everyone split off of me. I realized that I have the ability to reduce the numbers.

And with this realization, I realized a few more things:

  • I have a responsibility for everyone
  • I really need to try to understand everyone
  • I need to front more
  • I need to work on my temper
  • We need to agree on a plan of action

Does anyone have questions, or comments, or anything? I really want to hear from everyone!


Prompted by a question from BeautyDeep.

Fronting means being in charge of the body.

How many people front at a time?
Very rarely do we only have once person fronting. We usually have two to four people up front. This can become quite complicated when ideas and feelings in a given situation are contradictory.

Who’s fronting?
Determining that can be hard for us too sometimes!

One way we tell by the “texture” of the thoughts, or the patterns that they fall into. Another way we help it along is by trying to pin down gender and sexual preference.

In our head, it runs something like this:
Who’s front?
I don’t know.
Well, how are we thinking?
Kind of analytical and sad I guess. We’re a bit weepy, and there’s not too much humor. We’re frowning.
Anything else?
Female, likes boys.
Ties with other people?
Ehhh about Dark, distrust Sophie.
Conclusion = holo

Who fronts when?
At school – Auto & Mag, or Melecholia.
Out with friends – Illia, Melecholia, Dark, Sarah
Church – Sophie, Dark
Family – Mag, holo, Dark, Red, Muse
Alone- holo, Ang, Red, Sarah, Melencholia, Auto, Illia

Gro uping by characteristics:
1) Holo – Mag – Bean
2) Ang – Dark – Red
3) Exode – Apollo – Kat
4) Melencholia – Sarah – Sadie
5) Sophie
7)Muse – Illia

If you have a question regarding medianhood or Multiplicity

On a related note, we have begun a fronting journal, offline. If we get any results, we’ll be sure to tell you.


Post prompted by a question by BeautyDeep.

When did you realize you were a Median?
I realized I was a median when Muse came in, and when S got busted up.

How long have you been a Median?
For as long as I can remember.

Looking back, I’ve always been a Median. A good indecatior is how my preferences changed dramatically when I had my “mood swings”. Two good examples in my life are peanut butter and hot dogs.

So how it that different from being bipolar or having mood swings?
It’s a question of degree, intensity, and origin. Illia might be considered bipolar, and Melencholia has depression (clinically diagnosed), but as a whole we are neither.

To be bipolar, we would have to have extreme reactivity/mood swings. Except for Illia, we do not. On the outside, it may seem like we do, but this is often switching, or an internal conflict.

And for mood swings, yes we have them. Each of us does. Please remember that the body is still in puberty, and most of us are in puberty too! Lots of hormones= lots of reactivity. However, the people I share headspace with are NOT “just mood swings”. They have their own preferences, genders and sexualities.

If You Have a Big Question, Or Want a Through Response

Any and all questions are welcome! Comments and critiques are appreciated.